Return Policy:

The following general returns policy is applicable to all items sold

  1. In general, an item may be eligible for return within the applicable return window if it fulfils one or more of the following conditions:
    • Was delivered in a physically damaged condition
    • Has missing parts or accessories
    • Is different from what was ordered
    • Is no longer needed (not all items may be eligible)
  1. Products marked as “non-returnable” on the product detail page cannot be returned.
  2. All items must be returned in their original condition, with price tags intact, user manual, warranty cards, original accessories and in the original manufacturer’s box/packaging as delivered to you. Refer to instructions to return items against each category. We may reject the return pickup if the items are not returned according to the policy mentioned against each category.
  3. Products will be applicable for return if return request comes after two days of the product delivery.  

Refund policy:

Within three working days the product amount will be returned to the customers mentioned account if the product is received under the above condition.